Orlando Airport

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Yet Orlando International remains a relative small player in the international air market, with less than a third of the number of passengers who fly overseas into Atlanta, and less than a fifth of the number that go into Miami. Fort Lauderdale, which also has greatly expanded its number of foreign flights in recent years, also sees more international passengers.

One reason is that Orlando still funnels international passengers through two gate areas that provide awkward arrangements for many passengers to get their luggage and clear customs.

For more than a decade the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority has envisioned a new south terminal that would be dedicated entirely to international passengers, but the traffic still is far too low to justify construction. That terminal, when fully built out, likely would exceed $1 billion.

"Our aspiration is to increase our international traffic into Orlando. We think we're a worldwide destination. But it's going to take shrewd moves on our part," Brown said. "We're not going to make that overnight."

Quelle: http://articles.orlandosentinel.com...rance-first-direct-flights-orlando-to-paris/2
Reto hat seit Jahren ne Jahreskarte fürs MSE
Ja, das wäre schön, wenn MCO mehr an Europa angebunden werden würde. Aber auf eine Verbindung MCO-Zürich kann ich wohl ewig warten. Hab mir mal die Passagierstatistiken angesehen. Nur knapp 9000 Passagiere ab ZRH hatten MCO als Endziel letztes Jahr, verglichen mit 68'000 nach Miami, das täglich nonstop bedient wird.;)

Aber eine Verbindung nach DUS oder München (zweitgrösster deutscher Airport) dürfte nur eine Frage der Zeit sein. Lufthansa fliegt ab Mitte Dezember übrigens für einige Zeit mit Boeing 747 von FRA nach MCO - die Verbindung muss also wirklich sehr gut laufen.